I remember better when I Paint, Berna Hueber
I remember better when I Puzzle with Me, Jane Snyder
I remember better when I play Making Memories Together, Gene Cohen

Making Memories Together by GENCO Games
At first glance, each of these products appearsas a film, a puzzle, and a game, but really, each product is a reminiscence of the many R’s we all learn. These products are tools for remembering, reminding, recalling, reawakening, renewing and revising relationships. And the most important R is that they do this work through the shared ritual of communication and care. Our strengths of connection always remain within, hidden sometimes through Alzheimer’s capacity to make memory seem invisible; but each of these tools reminds us not to let the emptiness replace the connections. They themselves remind each of us – in our roles as loved ones, caregivers, family/friends, practitioners, and organizations – how to remember.
Like cultures which pass around “talking sticks,” our products allow the ceremony of what truly matters between people to come forward: a way to remember to be together; a way to remember thatpresence is what counts; a way to remember that being together, with or without memory, always has the comfort of exchange.
Our products provide a way to return to memory rather than the need to have memory. These products provide access to revolving loops of memory – each one created by a person perhaps like you, a person touched by and inspired by how Alzheimer’s has affected his or her own parent and loved one. They are each acts of honoring legacy and love.